1,807 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Corticofugal regulation of predictive coding

    Alexandria MH Lesicko, Christopher F Angeloni ... Maria N Geffen
    A specific neuronal pathway within the auditory system represents information about the statistical prediction and error for incoming sounds, thereby contributing to efficient representation of complex sounds and sound streams in the brain.
    1. Neuroscience

    Functional dissociation of stimulus intensity encoding and predictive coding of pain in the insula

    Stephan Geuter, Sabrina Boll ... Christian Büchel
    Pain processing in certain brain regions implements predictive coding principles, offering a novel perspective on the neural basis of pain perception.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neural markers of predictive coding under perceptual uncertainty revealed with Hierarchical Frequency Tagging

    Noam Gordon, Roger Koenig-Robert ... Jakob Hohwy
    The novel neural marker for the integration of top-down predictions and bottom-up signals in perception elucidates uncertainty in perceptual inference and provides evidence for the predictive coding account of perception.
    1. Neuroscience

    Schema-based predictive eye movements support sequential memory encoding

    Jiawen Huang, Isabel Velarde ... Christopher Baldassano
    The development of knowledge for a board game facilitates memory for sequences in the game, demonstrating a new mechanism for the facilitation by enabling complicated predictions.
    1. Neuroscience

    Persistent coding of outcome-predictive cue features in the rat nucleus accumbens

    Jimmie M Gmaz, James E Carmichael, Matthijs AA van der Meer
    Neural activity in the rat nucleus accumbens provides a rich task representation that includes not only expected outcomes, but also the specific identity of the cues that predict these outcomes.
    1. Neuroscience

    Flexible coding of time or distance in hippocampal cells

    Shai Abramson, Benjamin J Kraus ... Genela Morris
    The hippocampus demonstrates flexible coding during memory encoding, prioritizing either distance or time information based on the specific requirements of the experiment.
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    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Learning predictive cognitive maps with spiking neurons during behavior and replays

    Jacopo Bono, Sara Zannone ... Claudia Clopath
    Predictive cognitive maps can be learned during behavior and replays using in spiking neurons.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neural signatures of perceptual inference

    William Sedley, Phillip E Gander ... Timothy D Griffiths
    Changes to sensory predictions are encoded by beta oscillations, surprise due to prediction violations by gamma oscillations, and alpha oscillations may have a role in controlling the precision of predictions.
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    1. Neuroscience

    Prediction error and repetition suppression have distinct effects on neural representations of visual information

    Matthew F Tang, Cooper A Smout ... Jason B Mattingley
    Multivariate analyses of human electrophysiological recordings revealed that the brain represents unexpected visual stimuli with greater fidelity than expected stimuli which arose independently of simple habituation arising from repetition.
    1. Neuroscience

    Constructing the hierarchy of predictive auditory sequences in the marmoset brain

    Yuwei Jiang, Misako Komatsu ... Liping Wang
    fMRI and high-density ECoG recordings reveal a hierarchical gradient along the auditory pathway for auditory sequence processing in the marmoset brain.

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